BOOK REVIEW: God Gave Us Christmas

The story God Gave Us Christmas begins with a question, which as an apologist I love. Some of our best conversations about God begin that way. In this piece, Little Cub asks about where Christmas came from and what was Santa’s role in its origins.

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I enjoyed how Lisa Tawn Bergren brought the question of Santa Claus into this story. For me, it makes it much more realistic. Some kids’ Christmas stories do not mention the man in red at all if they are discussing religious issues. Yet, because he is such a major part of the secular Christmas experience it serves our kids better to address the issue rather than avoid it.

“Santa reminds us about many good things like generosity and care. But it is God and Jesus that we celebrate most come Christmas,” she wrote.

The story follows a mother and her little cub on their adventure to find God. During their holiday outing, they see him in aspects of nature, including the Northern Lights, a frozen lake and the Morning Star.

My favourite was the twinkling of the Northern Lights, which served to demonstrate how Jesus is the light of the world.

“He sent his only son as a baby so that we would know light from dark.”

It was also good to see that this book differentiates between God and his son, Jesus. Lisa talks about God’s power and how he used this power to crown his son.

“He is mightier than any king on earth. And because he is all-powerful, he made Jesus King of all kings.”

She also wrote about how personal Christmas is, how God would have given Jesus even if there were only one of us that needed Him.

“Jesus is a present for everyone, grumpy or happy, mean or kind. God gave us all Christmas.”

While all the God Gave Us books are wonderful reads, I particularly like her approach to the holiday season. It is one that I would recommend for kids of any age.

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