BOOK REVIEW: Amazing Human Body Designed by God

The Amazing Human Body Designed by God looks at the argument against evolution by demonstrating how our bodies are wonderfully made.

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It counters the idea of evolution, which is that we are products of an accident, by several questions to help the reader think deeper on the topic. Questions such as, “which came first: the nervous system or the rest of the body?” demonstrate that each part of the body needs the others to function or even to have a purpose for being.

By looking at the brain, lungs, blood vessels and bones the author shows how parts of the human body work together and are interdependent.

“Simple things do not get more complicated on their own.”

The author notes that it takes a cell to make a cell and that evolutionists have no answer for where that first tiny nerve cell came from.

It gives young readers some arguments to use in the real world against sceptics. However, I would caution parents that they need to continue to build on the facts presented in this book. As your child grows so to should their apologetic. Atheists arguments can be convincing, and we need to equip our kids to explore the topic again and again.

I really loved this book because it works on two levels. It teaches kids practical biology and the complexities of the human body. Yet, it also reinforces that our bodies themselves are evidence for God.

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