A great option for long car trips, Down Gilead Lane is an audio family drama that follows the Morrisons. The family of seven, including mom and dad, is made up of unique personalities that your kids can connect with.

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The story lines include a subplot, which often reinforces the overlying lesson of the show.

While it can be difficult to capture the attention of younger kids with an audio show, Down Gilead Lane, does it well with intriguing and captivating stories.

The majority of the lessons examine how we can all use everyday experiences to build up our Godly character.

Each episode focuses on how the family grows in their knowledge of God and his ways while adjusting their own lives to be more in line with His word. It does so by following the Morrisons on their adventures, which can be fun, scary and sometimes full of mystery.

Published by Keys for Kids, formerly CBH Ministries, the audio shows are a fun way to keep your kids occupied on the road and also infuse some Christian learning on the way.

I recommend these shows, particularly as they can make a long summer road trip go smoother.

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