BOOK REVIEW: The Awesome Book of Bible Answers for kids!

Similar to Kathryn Slattery’s If I Could Ask God Anything (2006), Josh McDowell and Kevin Johnson published their Awesome Book of Bible Answers for kids in 2003.

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The book is divided into several sections like Questions about the Holy Spirit, Questions about God, Questions about Church, etc., which makes it more of a quick reference guide.

Each question is honest, brief and ends with a scripture passage making it an easy guide for kids with short attention spans.

It also presents some apologetic material to kids including Jesus’ claim to be God and responses to the challenges of the resurrection such as Did Jesus actually die on the cross –  or did he just faint?

The book also refers to God as a friend and reinforces that his commandments are still relevant today.

“People still have problems with stealing, lying, whining to their parents and wishing they had their neighbor’s toys.”

Some questions are as honest and cute as the kids who ask, like Was Jesus a Wimp? Why does church last so long? (The answer by the way is that Jesus was both tender but also tough.)

I liked the question about why there is punishment when we do wrong.

“He isn’t out to get you for being bad but to teach you that it’s always best to choose to do good.”

If only more of us could grasp this!

The book is great for Christians in any denomination. There is also a great guide at the back of the book that suggests everyday ways to talk about God with your kids.

This book has so much simple wisdom I recommend it for grown ups too!

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